Excel Lake Day!
Student Stories

Excel Lake Day!

Johanna Vides

June 28, 2024

What better way to kick off summer break than a few days at the lake and camping with friends? Let me tell you - there really isn’t one. The campus rearranged its schedule to be able to spend our last All-Team of the semester in the sun, and it was worth it!

People slowly trickled in, fishing poles and kayaks at the ready. The volleyball net went up in the water. After that? The fun commenced! People gathered together to explore, play, and relax. A handful of us scouted out our campsites for the night before heading out and racing the last of daylight to get the tents set up and the fires going.

I found myself sinking into a hammock set up fireside, listening to the hum of quiet conversation from friends gathered around. I remember being so thankful for these slow moments, where it seems like life just sinks into the deepest parts of your soul and turns into gratitude. People left for their break from there, spirits high and ready to rest for a spell. Some stayed the night and left in the morning. 

Slow as the sunrise, the rest of us broke down camp and headed back to the beach we had reserved for that day, volleyball net up and waiting for another round. 

So we played our way right into summer.

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